Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here's to dreaming of a true studio......

So here it is, my workspace.  It's not very exciting.......I dream of the day that I will have a room dedicated to just me and my many crafting supplies and work.  In the meantime, I'm making do.....

My dining room table is my work table...I was packing up some BNR orders here.  I also have a butcher block board I can put on the table to work on and protect this surface.

My supply closet (which will have a door soon).  It holds things for jewelry making, origami, scrap booking, magnets, bouquets and boutonnieres, metal smithing.......ect. ect. ect.  LOL. 

My other "closet" where I keep shipping materials and supplies.

And that's it.  I tend to travel around the house working on this or that project and am trying to keep it more contained.  I often flop on the couch with a bunch of jewelry making items and make a mess.  But it is comfy!  My hubby is very patient with me.  


  1. Its amazing how many people work from the dining room table, lucky so many of us have tolerant, supportive families.

  2. Nice to have places to organize into!

  3. Having a dedicated closet for supplies must be so nice and handy!

  4. Have fun crafting!
    Thank you for sharing! :)

  5. You are so organized!

  6. I do have a room dedicated to my crafting and it's always a mess. maybe if I didn't have so much space it would be neat like your space!
    Congrats to the winner of your give away :)

  7. A closet would be great. You are into so many different things. It's great.

  8. I'm so excited about winning this! thank you! i never win giveaways. im jealous of all your storage space. i have things stashed everywhere.

  9. Patient husbands are the best! :) I am fortunate also to have a very patient, helpful one!

  10. Its great to have tolerate families! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Gotta love those families that support us.

  12. Very is a major plus to any crafter....we need to be able to hide our supplies for hubbys

  13. glad you have family support! from experience, it counts a lot!

  14. Here's to hoping dream studios come our way :)

  15. my favorite spot is also the couch/recliner in front of the TV, but my husband is not so tolerant. He has generously given me the 2nd bedroom all to myself, so i try to keep my mess contained there :)

  16. A portable closet - that's a really fabulous idea!!

  17. Patient hubby's are the best workspace accessory.

  18. Patient husbands are a workspace necessity. Of course, mine also does research and has every bit as much stuff scattered around as I do. It's incredible.

  19. yay for patient husbands! I love scrapbooking too- it would be so great to have a studio one day, I totally agree :o)

  20. I used to do the same thing with the couch...instead it was the bed. After my sweetheart got stabbed in the rump with a stray head pin he elected to give me a desk

  21. I love the idea of a portable closet!! You may have something there :)

  22. Thanks for sharing! I travel around the house with projects too!
    And patient hubbies are great! :)
    Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard!

  23. Love your closet space. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Thanks everyone! It's been fun seeing where everyone works :)

  25. I dream of the day when I have a room for my crafts too :) So nice to see your space!
